Premier Planning is a town planning and development consultancy.

Specialists in resource consents, planning policy and land development.

The consultancy offers specialist planning services across the resource management spectrum, including subdivision and land use consents, changes to district plans, planning advocacy, urban design and heritage, planning appraisals and general site development advice. 

With a 20 year working background in local government, the consultancy successfully navigates the Resource Management Act, district plans and Council consent processes to deliver desired client outcomes. 

Premier Planning provides professional planning services across the country, offering a client-focused approach to planning and development.

Planning Services

  • Pre-application evaluations and planning merits advice
  • Preparing applications for resource consent– urban, rural, residential, industrial, commercial, changes of use, subdivision – large or small, simple or complex
  • Assessment of effects
  • Advising on consent notification assessments, consent conditions, national environmental standards, district and regional plan requirements

  • Managing applications to change District Plan policies/rules governing a property, including rezoning land

  • Preparing submissions to Council on behalf of clients affected by a notified resource consent application, plan change, designation, or District Plan review
  • Representing clients at local council hearings
  • Planning enforcement advice including issue resolution, unlawful use/development regularisation, existing use rights and certificates of compliance

  • General pre-purchase planning advice
  • Site development potential reviews
  • Optimum site development yield advice


If you would like more information about Premier Planning or you have any other enquiry please feel free to fill out the form below, email or call 027 2696719.